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IANTD Tech Dives Courses

Before you join your first tech dive training, please read below introduction!



What’s Technical Diving (From IANTD Advanced Nitrox Manual)
Technical diving is unique. It’s the most advanced form of scuba diving. The technical community consists of many different user groups including scientific, public safety, commercial, military, and recreational. Technical diving is defined as a discipline that utilizes special methods, equipment, training, and skills to improve underwater safety and performance, enabling divers to explore a wide range of underwater environments and perform tasks beyond the scope of traditional recreational diving. Technical diving typically involves “extended range “ exposures outside of the recreational envelope (no-stop dives in the 0 to 30 meter range) and is often conducted in the “overhead environment” of a cave, wreck, or decompression ceiling where the diver cannot freely ascend to the surface.



Keep in mind that technical diving is not a prudent choice for all recreational divers. In fact, it is for the select few who are willing to make the sacrifices and meet the demands, dive by the highest codes of safety, understand and accept the risk and, above all, accept the responsibility for their own destiny!!


International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers( IAND, Inc./IANTD)

IANTD是一個非常專注在技術潛水的教育機構,不論是Nitrox、Trimix、沉船、洞穴、甚至是商業潛水都有專門的課程。IANTD非常自豪的在教育潛水員以更精進的知識和技術來探究超過傳統休閒潛水員更廣闊的水中的環境。IANTD 潛水員對潛水,他們的潛伴和地球的所有水域都有強烈的使命感。每個潛水員都了解,經由訓練和經驗所累積成的能力是安全潛水的主要因素。每個潛水員都該了解個人的體能限制,一個IANTD潛水員是可以在水中完全獨立而且不依靠他人。然而,每個潛水員不論在肉體上和精神上都連訓練成能在充滿壓力的環境下回應潛伴的需要。因為潛水是一個裝備導向的活動,一個IANTD潛水員要能在每一次不同的潛水裏選擇最適合的裝備配置。


一個 IANTD 潛水員要是能夠在水中的動靜如常就像是陸地上,而且要維持的身體健康及體能在一定程度以面對水中突如其來的挑戰及令人興奮潛水活動。一個好潛水員不是取決於他的潛水深度記錄或是他的潛水資格、頭銜,而是潛水員他/她對潛水活動的投入、自我訓練、自我要求、安全意識,責任承擔,態度,智慧,訓練,裝備和經驗。


International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers (IAND, Inc./IANTD) is an association that focus on technical diving training providing Nitrox, Trimix, Cave, even Commercial diving specialize courses. IANTD takes great pride in training divers to explore a wide range of underwater environments using knowledge and skill that far exceeds that of the traditional recreational diver. IANTD divers have a strong sense of commitment of diving, their fellow divers, and the waters of Planet Earth. Each diver understands that competency gained through training and experience is a primary factor in safe diving. Each diver understands the concept of personal limitations. An IANTD Diver is self-sufficient and non-dependent. However, each diver is physically and mentally trained to respond to the needs of a fellow diver under the most stressful of conditions. Diving is an equipment-oriented activity and a good diver will place great pride in having the proper equipment for any given dive.

An IANTD diver is as at home in the water as on land and maintains a level of physical fitness that will enable meeting the challenges of the most exciting and demanding diving. A good diver is not measured by the depth achieved or certificates awarded. A true diver is measured by his or her commitment, self-discipline, safety consciousness, acceptance of responsibility, attitude, wisdom, training, equipment, and experience. Welcome to IANTD!